At Lyndon People we welcome people with and without learning disabilities who want to share in the Christian faith.
We welcome people from other churches and also those who do not belong to a church.
You must be aged 16 and over. (Because we do not have paid staff, carers will need to stay with people who have high dependency needs.)
We meet on the first Sunday of the month, (except August when there is no meeting). normally from 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm, but from 5pm to 6.30 during the winter. (See calendar)
We start with a drink and a biscuit. We share our good news and enjoy talking together. Then we have our worship. We learn about Jesus and people from the Bible. We sometimes watch a piece of film or we have a drama and we talk about being a Christian. We have a prayerand a collection and we sing worship songs.
For more information
Telephone 07598 363168 or email